M447 Stick Barometer
Solid carved stick with a rococo shell at the top and strings of leaves and hops hanging down each side. This is in the style of James Ayscough (working 1732 - 1763 in London) and is almost certainly from this period, even though the silvered brass register plate, which is signed Sydney E. Letts, London, appears to date to 1850, from the style of the engraving.
In spite of the later register plate, this is the only barometer I have ever seen with this exceptional carving (apart from one Ascough), and is exceedingly rare. Perhaps the original plate was printed paper, and Mr. Letts, (not a known maker) decided to "improve" or "modernise" his barometer. Incidentally, he did a very fine job, as the quality of his plate and engraving are first class..for 1850!
Maximum Dimensions 43 x 7
Date c. 1750
Price $4800.00
M447 Stick Barometer